A new and different relationship with ego (1)
The first in a series of #MindfulMusings about our relationship with the ego
In the loving quest to inspire us to greater and wider, more meaningful and purposeful experience, cutting edge thought leaders regularly use disparaging language to talk about the #ego and its role in our lives.
We are told the ego makes false promises, that it has an agenda, that it is insatiable, has never-ending demands, that we are driven by it, that it must be disciplined, that it must die, that it must be dissolved in order that we might be able to perceive greater spiritual realms, etc. etc. etc.
These are words of reactivity born of fear.
These words abuse an ego which has merely been mismanaged into an unbalanced state.
What do we believe about the ego that makes us fearful?
#WhatNewChoicesWillYouMake if you changed the story you tell yourself about your relationship with ego?
Here's to your Resonance and Light™
Advocating for #Kindness in all aspects of how we resonate with ourselves and others.
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© Monica Schober, Resonance and Light™ 2012 All rights reserved.
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